Subject: Re: Does 2.1_RC3 support the NetGear GA311?
To: <>
From: Jan Danielsson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/18/2005 13:47:36
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Jonathan A. Kollasch wrote:
>>I couldn't find it in the supported hardware list.
>>I'm hoping it's using some generic chip set that is supported.
> I believe so, I've found two indications that it's a Realtek 8169S: PR26025,
> That chip is
> supported by the re(4) driver.
I'm curious.. I want to buy a PCI SATA controller. I found one where
the "price was right", and asked if it would work with NetBSD, and
someone replied that it would, but that there are problems with it (LBA
So, I continued searching. Now I have found a Maxtor SATA/150
controller, and I want to know if it's supported by NetBSD. So, I
thought I'd find out what chipset it uses, and if that chipset is
supported by NetBSD.
First problem: Maxtors product information page doesn't even mention
what chips the board uses. Where do I go from here? Are companies
generally helpful giving you these details, or is there some huge
index-page people use to look these things up?
Sencond problem: Where are the the drivers stored in the source tree?
If I find a chipset, and want to know if NetBSD supports it, where do I
start looking?
Thankful for any pointers.
Kind Regards,
Jan Danielsson
Te audire non possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
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