Subject: Re: keyboard layout
To: None <>
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Nov=E1k_=C1ron?= <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/11/2005 14:07:20
2005-09-11, v keltez=C3=A9ssel 12.11-kor Rui Paulo ezt =C3=ADrta:
> Edit /etc/wscons.conf and /etc/rc.conf to enable wscons (if not
> already activated). Then, run ``/etc/rc.d/wscons start''.
My important /etc/wscons.conf lines are below:
encoding hu
mapfile /usr/share/wscons/keymaps/
Wscons was already activated.
The result of /etc/rc.d/wscons restart:
wsconscfg: screen 1 is already configured
wsconscfg: screen 2 is already configured
wsconscfg: screen 3 is already configured
wsconscfg: screen 4 is already configured
wsconsctl: WSKBDIO_SETENCODING: Invalid argument
But the keyboard map is perfect! The encoding and Hungarian accents are
not important for me.
Thanks for the help!
Novak Aron <>