Subject: Re: "Unix" convention?
To: Jan Danielsson <>
From: Michael Parson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/02/2005 09:21:18
On Fri, Sep 02, 2005 at 07:07:59AM +0200, Jan Danielsson wrote:
> Hello all,
> Let's say I install Perforce or CVS servers. What would be the
> traditional location for the depot/repository?
> A guide I found on the www suggested /var, but since reading various
> partitioning discussions, I realized that /var isn't the place to stick
> things which theoretically grow for ever.
> Would /usr/depot be a better place? Or is there a better place?
I'd either put it in /usr/local, or on its own spindle, under just
There are arguments for putting all mounts under /, to prevent some
other mountpoint (other than root) from being a prerequisite (/usr
having to be mounted before /usr/depot).
Some people do this by mounting everything under /.vol01, /.vol02, etc,
then making symbolic links pointing to these mount where they want them:
/usr/depot -> /.vol04
That was more popular back when disks were much smaller, but I still see
it on occasion.
Michael Parson