Subject: Re: Out-of-date pkg_install in NetBSD-2.0.2?
To: pcjul2005 <>
From: Greg Troxel <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/15/2005 07:59:54
"pcjul2005" <> writes:
> I created my own install CD from NetBSD-2.0.2
> Error: The package tools installed on this system are out of date.
> The installed package tools are dated 2004/01/15 and you must update
> them to at least 2005/02/04 using the following command:
This is because package tools in current have been updated, and also
the pkgtools/pkginstall package, but the tools haven't been pulled up
to the netbsd-2-0 branch. So yes, this is expected.
> After building and installing pkg_install-20050607, when I try to
> build other packages, certain tool names are undefined (i.e. RM="",
> FIND=""). I fixed this by copying the contents of
> /usr/pkgsrc/mk/tools/ into my /etc/mk.conf and doing
> a search and replace :%s/TOOLS_PLATFORM.\([a-z]*\)/\U\1 (this makes
> all lines to be of the sort AWK?= awk, BASENAME?= basename, ...)
You didn't say how you got pkgsrc. From your description, it sounds
to me like you have pkgsrc from a mix of dates, rather than a
consistent update from either the head or the pkgsrc-2005Q2 branch.
It may be that you found an ok workaround, but there's something
significantly wrong with either your system, your update of pkgsrc, or
pkgsrc itself. I haven't seen any similar reports, so it is likely
one of the first two.
Greg Troxel <>