Subject: Re: ports for ftp
To: Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. <>
From: Timothy A. Musson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/01/2005 17:39:42
Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. wrote:
> On Aug 1, 2005, at 11:18 AM, Timothy A. Musson wrote:
>> I believe the term you want to search for in your firewall  
>> documentation is "keep state".
>> -Tim

> Thanks all! A little "sniffing" revealed that ftp had grabbed a port  in 
> the 5100 range and insisted on using it for data transfer or  something 
> like that. Odd - I thought it used port 20 for that.  Anyway, I have to 
> open up that range to get ftp to work.
> Dan Killoran

No, you really need to enable "keep state", "connection tracking", or "session tracking" in your firewall. Why? The short story is that FTP just doesn't work through a firewall without it. There are caveats, explained in the the long story below. Here's what happens:
(Approximately; if I'm too far off I'm sure someone will enlighten us both. I'm leaving out source port numbers to keep things simple.)

FTP Client -- Connection request to port 20 --> FTP Server
FTP Client <-- "Yeah, I'm here. I'll connect back to you on port 12345." -- FTP Server
Connection on Server port 20 is closed.
FTP Client opens port 12345.
FTP Server spawns a child.
FTP Client <-- Connection request on port 12345 -- FTP Server (child process)
FTP SESSION over client-side port 12345 (put/get requests, data transfer, et. all)

Now, IIRC, that client-side port (12345 in this example) is random and can be any of the non-privilege ports, meaning you'd have to allow public access to essentially all of the ports on your computer. That's not much of a firewall, obviously. What this means for your current configuration is that the next time you try an FTP, you are likely to have more problems. How often you have problems depends on the percentage of the public ports that you've already opened up.

Most firewalls nowadays have been made smart enough to watch for an outgoing connection request and then dynamically open a single port for a short amount of time in order to allow the back-connection that standard FTP requires. This is what terms like "connection tracking" refer to.

If you're having problems with a dedicated firewall unit (like a D-Link or Linksys, etc.) that you configure through a web page, the option you're looking for might be under a page labeled "Applications" or some such. You don't want one for "allow incoming FTP requests" (unless you want to run an FTP server). You want something that allows Active FTP sessions.

The Passive FTP stuff that Theo Borm was talking about is where the FTP Server does not make a back-connection to the client. This mode of FTP works fine with older and/or simpler firewalls, but many large FTP sites do not allow that type of connection due to performance issues (all traffic happens over port 20, as you said earlier; meaning that only one client can connect at a time). Your FTP client likely attempted passive mode by default and got rejected, but you can go ahead and try to force it anyway (with -p ?).
