Subject: amd and nis?
To: None <>
From: Alexander Klink <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/21/2005 18:33:53
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Hi all,
I am currently dealing with my first NetBSD install -- 2.0.2 on
I still have two small problems:
- Although I've set rc_configured to yes in rc.conf, the system
still boots into single-user-mode. This is only slightly annoying,
maybe someone has an idea why that happens and how to fix it.
- The bigger problem is importing nfs-mounts via nis and an
automounter. Under Linux, installing it was basically adding
the line +auto.master to /etc/auto.master.
Under NetBSD, I've found that I'll need amd. Fine. So I tried
to configure it. amd.conf looks pretty empty at the moment:
[ global ]
[ /amd ]
map_name =3D auto.master
I've got a file named /etc/auto.master which has the +auto.master
line in it as under Linux.
Starting amd (which somehow only works using forcestart?) does
basically nothing. As the mount points are used under / here in
Linux, I tried changing the [ /amd ] to [ / ] but that basically
hangs the whole system.
Does anyone have an idea where to start troubleshooting?
The rest of the NIS-system works, BTW.
Something that looked a bit conspicous to me in the logs was the
Apr 21 17:32:40 xxxhostnamexxx amd[1373]: My ip addr is
Shouldn't that maybe be the 'external' IP address? But how do I tell
amd to use that?
Any help to make my NetBSD experience more worthwile (except for
the small problems, I am pretty impressed with the 'cleanness' of
the system) is appreciated.
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