Subject: booting compiled kernel causes reboot
To: None <>
From: Scott Zahn <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/14/2005 17:14:35
Hey everyone,
I'm hoping someone can suggest a few avenues to explore here. I
downloaded the 2.0 release kernel sources and changed the GENERIC kernel
config to add the stf device and took out ath device support. config,
make depend, and make ran flawlessly. I moved the kernel to /. When I
boot from this kernel, it begins to load (I get the "spinny pipe"), but
immediately after that my machine reboots and begins the whole process
again. It's not fun booting from netbsd.old, so I'd really like to
successfully compile a kernel with the stf device. Does anyone have any
suggestions for me to begin to figure this out?