Subject: Re: PPP problems
To: None <>
From: Andre Leao Macedo <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/07/2005 17:02:09
James K. Lowden wrote:
> I'm a little behind in my NetBSD list reading, so I just came across your
> message today. Have you had any further luck?
Hi James,
Yes, I have just connected to the Internet. I tried FreeBSD for a while
(and did not liked it at all) so I reinstalled NetBSD from scratch. When
I recreated the scripts, I forgot to put both debug and kdebug 4 in the
options file. Strangely, the /var/log/messages became more verbose
whithout those flags...
Anyway, I was being disconnected because of "Serial link is not 8-bit
clean: All received characters had bit 7 set to 0".
After a quick Google on it, I tried to put "\d\d" in the end of the chat
file (after CONNECT). It seems that each "\d" puts chat in sleep for 1
second, ignoring these invalid characters. It seems to be working fine.
> "AT &V" normally returns a settings report.
My modem answers just ERROR to that command...
> If you want to pursue this, we can take the discussion back onlist.
Just to check, is there an easy way to update /etc/resolv.conf when the
ppp link is up? I saw there is usepeerdns in pppd, that may pass DNS1
and DNS2 to the ip-up script, but I am really not good with shell scripts...
Thanks all for the help!
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