Subject: How rto use compat16 pkg?
To: None <>
From: Stephen Borrill <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/04/2005 18:13:54
I've installed the compat16 pkg on 2.0. This doesn't allow you to run
NetBSD 1.6 binaries
when first installed. Options I've considered include:
add /usr/pkg/emul/netbsd16/usr/lib to /etc/
- Bad idea as it takes precedence over other lib paths. e.g. ls -l core
Link/Copy all libraries with a smaller major number to the appropriate
e.g. ln -s /usr/pkg/etc/netbsd16/usr/lib/ /lib
- Don't like this, it's far too manual.
What's the correct way to do this?