Subject: rtk0 watchdog timeout
To: None <>
From: Roman Kennke <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/25/2005 11:35:36
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Hi list,
I am running NetBSD on my PC for some time now, and now want to start
using it on my Notebook too. So I shrinked my Linux partition and
installed NetBSD 2.0 on the HD.
Everything went fine, (except maybe that the CD/DVD-ROM had to switch
back to PIO mode in order to work, which is not nice, but acceptable).
Now I tried to configure my network card with:
ifconfig rtk0 inet netmask
which is the configuration I also use in Linux.
I can get no connection, but I receive error messages every couple of
# rtk0: watchdog timeout
nothing else. ifconfig rtk0 shows that the card is not configured.
Somebody else has such problems? Should I file a send-pr? I would attach
my dmesg, but I must first make a partition that I can use to exchange
data from/to Linux, since I have no network in NetBSD yet.
Please feel free to redirect me to another list, if this is not
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