Subject: Re: got drivers?
To: None <>
From: Seth Kurtzberg <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/24/2005 17:06:19
I don't disagree that additional drivers are needed.
I have not, however, seen the ATA driver cause problems with other
devices. The explanation may be that I don't happen to be using the
devices with which you see problems. I'd be curious to know the specifics.
Dieter wrote:
>Having used NetBSD for many years now, the biggest problem I see
>with NetBSD is device drivers.
>Can't talk to this device, no driver. Can't talk to that device,
>no driver.
>Even if there is a driver it is frequently buggy. About the only thing
>that works reliably is SCSI. Even a common ATA disk creates problems
>for seemingly unrelated devices.
>What would it take to create an interface that allowed linking
>in drivers from FreeBSD/OpenBSD/Linux/... ?