Subject: Re: Filesystem full errors.
To: None <>
From: Oscar Fuentes <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/18/2005 00:02:35
David Laight <> writes:
>> > It should add all the free space in the netbsd mbr partition to one
>> > of the filesystems. This will be "/" unless you create "/usr" or
>> > request it be added elsewhere (or I got the code wrong).
>> I've reinstalled NetBSD 2.0 a dozen of times or so since Friday trying
>> to fix the boot problem I reported this weekend. Most of the time, the
>> install assigned about two hundred MB to / and the rest to /usr,
>> whitout any intervention by my part. Sometimes it assigned all the
>> space to /, though. A bit puzzling.
> It depends on whether all of the netbsd partition can be read by the
> bios. If the bios doesn't support LBA reads, and the disk is large,
> then sysinst will create a /usr partition.
Yes, this may be the cause. I experimented installing after changing
the HD mode on the BIOS parameters: LBA <-> Large <-> 'Normal'