Subject: Re: Filesystem full errors.
To: Oscar Fuentes <>
From: David Laight <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/17/2005 22:27:02
> > It should add all the free space in the netbsd mbr partition to one
> > of the filesystems. This will be "/" unless you create "/usr" or
> > request it be added elsewhere (or I got the code wrong).
> I've reinstalled NetBSD 2.0 a dozen of times or so since Friday trying
> to fix the boot problem I reported this weekend. Most of the time, the
> install assigned about two hundred MB to / and the rest to /usr,
> whitout any intervention by my part. Sometimes it assigned all the
> space to /, though. A bit puzzling.
It depends on whether all of the netbsd partition can be read by the
bios. If the bios doesn't support LBA reads, and the disk is large,
then sysinst will create a /usr partition.
I've (at least once) started to modify the code so that won't happen
if the inaccessible space is small and/or assignable to swap.
David Laight: