Subject: /etc/hosts and DNS
To: None <>
From: Tim Jakobsen <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/14/2005 12:07:38
I've just tried to add a few aliases for hosts in my /etc/hosts file.
Eg.: somehost.
Now I'd expect the command host somehost to return the ipaddress to me
but instead it tries to use the resolver agains my dnsserver to get the
name. Why is that? Even on a newly installed 2.0 release without network
connection it still tries using the resolver instead of /etc/hosts.
I've checked that /etc/nsswitch.conf says: hosts: files, dns and that my
/etc/resolv.conf has order hosts,bind
Anyone that can tell me why it seems like netbsd disregards the
/etc/hosts after boot ?