Subject: Re: Man page hierarchy question.
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/05/2005 10:01:53
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Richard Rauch wrote:
> What methods are there to avoid clashes between section-title
> specifications of man pages?
> As I read it, only the system admin can set a man-page
> section in /etc/man.conf, and the set defined is fairly
> small.
A regular user can also choose their own custom man.conf and also define
a custom MANPATH.
> What if, e.g., one has two packages, both in pkgsrc
> say, that provide functions of the same name?
Sometimes, we rename one of the manpages (as installed by pkgsrc).
> Let us suppose
> that the distributions both try to install their man pages,
> but other than some (or a lot of) common man-page names, there
> is no conflict between the two.
> Is this a good time to use the (somewhat mysterious) "3f"
> man page section? Or is the "f" supposed to designate
> something like Fortran?
Yes the "f" is for Fortan.
I don't think it is a good idea to use a uncommon man page section,
because it may not be seen by default.
It is interesting to note that some sections are commonly available:
section "n" for newer versions of man pages and section "l" for local
versions of man pages.
Did you have a particular man page your were thinking about?
Jeremy C. Reed
open source, Unix, *BSD, Linux training