Subject: Man page hierarchy question.
To: None <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/05/2005 02:22:17
I have a question, which has some NetBSD-specific and pkgsrc-specific
answers, but I'm interested in a more general answer, if there is one.
I can copy this to tech-pkg if there's no general solution.
What methods are there to avoid clashes between section-title
specifications of man pages?
As I read it, only the system admin can set a man-page
section in /etc/man.conf, and the set defined is fairly
small. What if, e.g., one has two packages, both in pkgsrc
say, that provide functions of the same name? Let us suppose
that the distributions both try to install their man pages,
but other than some (or a lot of) common man-page names, there
is no conflict between the two.
Is this a good time to use the (somewhat mysterious) "3f"
man page section? Or is the "f" supposed to designate
something like Fortran?
I suppose the admin could be told to manually adjust their
/etc/man.conf if they wanted both at once, and the packages
could be told to install in alternative locations...
Any thoughts from people who might have seen this kind of thing
come up before? Or is there, be still my beating heart, a
standard and painless resolution to this? (^&
"I probably don't know what I'm talking about."