Subject: Maya 6.0
To: None <>
From: Germano Cesari <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/27/2004 15:01:35

Im trying to install Maya 6.0 rpm, but Im getting the following:

drusilla# echo $SHELL
drusilla# alias rpm rpm --root /usr/pkg/emul/linux --dbpath /var/pkg/lib/rpm
drusilla# rpm --initdb
drusilla# rpm -i --ignoreos --ignorearch --nodeps Maya6_0-6.0-116.i686.rpm
error creating temporary file /usr/pkg/emul/linux/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.86070
rpm in free(): warning: junk pointer, too high to make sense.
error: Maya6_0-6.0-116.i686.rpm cannot be installed

Ive tried tried tried.. but I have no idea why Im still getting this..

If I dont alias rpm (hence installing in / with the default dbpath) I dont 
get that error message, but the installation is completely wrong.. I get 
libs installed in / and no /usr/aw directory created, apparently no bin 
installed and a lot of post-install script error (of course, it assumes a 
lot of stuff has been installed while it hasnt).. in short, it just makes a 
big mess.. but if try to set a root in /emul/linux, rpm stops with that msg.

does some1 have a clue on this? Ive heard Maya 6.0 works fine on Suse 9.1.. 
but I cant pass the installation..
