Subject: Re: New logo
To: None <>
From: Joel Rees <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/31/2004 09:43:40
On 2004.10.31, at 09:29 AM, Matthias Buelow wrote:
> Chris wrote:
> It looks completely nondescript. It could advertise ice-cream,
> plastic plumbing pipes, or about any other company or product on the
> planet.
Exactly what I was thinking.
Actually, if the netBSD community is aiming for a commodity OS, this is
exactly the logo, for exactly the above reasons.
(Have more thoughts, but not enough time to put them into the bit
stream yet.)
Joel Rees
Getting involved in the neighbor's family squabbles is dangerous.
But if the abusive partner has a habit of shooting through his/her
the guy who lives upstairs is in a bit of a catch-22.