Subject: insecurity checking question
To: None <>
From: Water NB <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/11/2004 00:19:32
root receive insecurity checking report everyday as below
Checking the /etc/master.passwd file:
Login daemon is off but still has a valid shell (/sbin/nologin)
Login operator is off but still has a valid shell (/sbin/nologin)
Login bin is off but still has a valid shell (/sbin/nologin)
Login news is off but still has a valid shell (/sbin/nologin)
Login games is off but still has a valid shell (/sbin/nologin)
Login postfix is off but still has a valid shell (/sbin/nologin)
Login named is off but still has a valid shell (/sbin/nologin)
Login ntpd is off but still has a valid shell (/sbin/nologin)
Login sshd is off but still has a valid shell (/sbin/nologin)
Login nobody is off but still has a valid shell (/sbin/nologin)
Login senbowang has more than 8 characters.
Login xuewendong has more than 8 characters.
I have 2 questions:
Q1: Why does it report some users has a valid shell. Can I avoid these
Q2: User account name length. How can enlarge it?