Subject: login.conf, datasize and xdm with 4GB RAM
To: None <>
From: Gan Uesli Starling <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/03/2004 18:07:32
This is on NetBSD 1.6.2_RC4

In trying to establish higher memory limits for processes,
it becomes tedious to set per-process with sysctl. So I've been
exploring /etc/login.conf without result.

First I made a login.conf which presently looks like so...

baal: {1} sudo cat /etc/login.conf
baal: {2}

...although I did also try without the -max and the -cur.
It has these permissions...

baal: {2} ls -l /etc/login.conf
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  116 Oct  3 17:39 /etc/login.conf
baal: {3}

...Then I ran the command like so...

baal: (3) sudo cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf

...then I rebooted. Know that my /etc/master.passwd for the user
I login has no class (no pun intended) such that it looks like "::"
where the class would be. I assume thereby that the default class
from /etc/login.conf should be in effect. But after all the above
has been done, after a reboot I still get this...

baal: {1} sysctl proc | grep datasize
proc.curproc.rlimit.datasize.soft = 134217728
proc.curproc.rlimit.datasize.hard = 1073741824
baal: {2}

...and I still get the memory crash on big files. Know that I
am using xdm to login. I read where gdm ignores /etc/login and
am wondering if xdm maybe does likewise?

How can I make my /etc/login.conf set the datasize when logging
in with xdm?




  Mistera Sturno - Rarest Extinct Bird

  <(+)__       Gan Uesli Starling
   ((__/)=-    Kalamazoo, MI, USA