Subject: Re: pppd logfile problem
To: None <>
From: roberto <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/24/2004 09:11:24
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 12:11:29PM +0200, Domingo A. Siliceo wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I record my pppd activity using the command line argument 'pppd logfile
>> /var/log/pppd.lod', but the log file generated is useless to me because
>> it does not record the date (including the time) the connection was
>> started *and* closed.
>> How can I achieve that? I guess I should use another method, but I
>> don't know which one.
> One option is to:
> Add:
> to pppd/Makefile and rebuild pppd.
> Add:
> /var/log/ppp
> local1.* /dev/console
> to /etc/sysconf.conf
> Add:
> /var/log/ppp 644 5 * 720 Z
> to /etc/newsyslog.conf
> Then write a script to parse the log file.
> Unfortunately syslog won't put log info from different programs into
> different
> log files.
> David
> --
> David Laight:
Could be useful to build a script that logs the required info, and put
this in ip-up and ip-down scripts to collect pppd activity info.
An interesting thing could be to log the user name that start the pppd
session but I cannot find a simple way to pass that info to ip-up/ip-down
script without modify the pppd source.
Only a dumb question: what are the file sysconf.conf and newsyslog.conf ?