Subject: Re: post canonical mappings not working
To: None <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/15/2004 12:12:01
Hello, --> netbsd-help (2004-07-15 01:17:44 +0200):
> I am trying to set up postfix on my laptop (netbsd-1.6.2/i386).
So that's Postfix 1.1.3?
> I am basically using the same configuration as on my desktop machine
> (gentoo linux),
Postfix 2.x?
> where everything works just fine (I am sending this mail from the gentoo box).
> On my laptop, canonical mapping does not work though...
Hmm, that should work AFAICT...
> I have found this via google:
That's about Postfix 2.1.1 and newer; you're probably using Postfix 1.1.3.
> Does this mean canonical rewriting is now off by default in netbsd?
> If so, how can I re-enable it? This does not seem to be documented in
> the docs yet...
No, it works fine, I just tried with Postfix 1.1.3 shipped with a NetBSD
1.6.2 system. It also works with Postfix 2.1.3 from pkgsrc.
How do you send messages? I'm sure you configured /etc/mailer.conf
to use Postfix instead of Sendmail...
Cheers, Jukka
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