Subject: Re: differing platform question
To: None <>
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Timo_Sch=F6ler?= <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/06/2004 10:24:05
>>> In my wanderings I have been reading about different types of OSes
>>> and
>>> kernels etc. With the emphasis on portability of netbsd, would it not
>>> make sense to use a micro or exo kernel?
>> I think the answer you'd get here -- the polite one, anyway -- is
>> that the
>> BSD kernel predates the microkernel "triumph" in academia. A
>> different
>> way to look at it is that there's no free microkernel with anywhere
>> near
>> the support of even the smallest BSD, so "better" in any regard is
>> theoretical argument.
> This does seem to be a problem, you certainly cannot find a
> realistically useable one around the place, and the exokernel seems to
> be the next stage in the kernel development, which is very new, and
> seems to address many of the performance issues that plagued the
> microkernel within the unix model, and there is nothing working in
> these. I do wonder how realistic they are considering the non-progress
> that is happening with HURD.
HURD... is going to be released *today*!
[NB: This message is being repeated since 199x... or so ;)]
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