Subject: ntpd What is my best plan of attack?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Glen Johnson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/29/2004 16:14:07
Dear netbsd-help,
I have a small home network with a 486 as my NetBSD box.  I am in the 
process of making it do more for me.  One of the things I want to do with 
it is have it run as my time server that all my other computers synchronize 
from.  I read through most of the ntpd man page and the ntpdate man 
page.  I do understand that it is a bad idea to run them both 
simultaneously.  The man pages do a fine job of describing every possible 
flag or setting available.  What I can't find is something that pulls it 
all together to tell me what I need to do to have my 486 operate as a time 
server and yet when I dial up my ISP then sync to a  real time server, or 
Should I:
1.  Run ntpd when I am not connected to my ISP.
2. Disable ntpd before connecting to my ISP.
3. Run ntpdate.
4. R enable ntpd after the update.

OR is there some special line up of flags and such that tells ntpd to do 
such a thing when I connect.  I suppose I would put such a thing in my 
ip-up script.

Any help would be very helpful!