Subject: Re: Manual authentication for ppp
To: Cory Bajus <>
From: Dan Harrison <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/23/2004 16:48:16
>When dialing into a ppp account, is it possible to authenticate
>manually? I need to access a ppp account that uses challenge-
>response using a harware token. I am able to do this in FreeBSD
>with user-ppp by using the 'term' command to dial (atdt ...) and
>authenticate. Any ideas on how I can accomplish this with NetBSD?
>I can initiate the session manually with 'tip' - can I get ppp to
>'take over' an existing connection?
I think user-ppp is also on NetBSD in the pkgsrc. I'm not sure if it
will work the same way, though.
Dan Harrison