Subject: Floppy-install bug?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mats Blomstrand <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/19/2004 19:00:29
Hi all
Im trying to install 1.6.2 using floppies (with boot-tiny.fs).
It works ok (perfect :) up to when there is no more split-files to add.
The the install keeps asking for more split-files.
Ex: kern-GENERIC is 3 files kern-GENERIC.a[abc]
So when it has read *.ac it ask for *.ad. Ive tried to feed it an zero size
*.ad, then it swallows it and ask for *.ae.
How should i tell the installer that there is no more splitfiles?
Perhaps there is something wrong with the method i used. I have used
"split -b 1m /cdrom/i386/binary/sets/kern-GENERIC.tgz kern-GENERIC." to
create them on a linuxbox (RH 7.2). Is this wrong?
Im installing on a IBM L40SX (386dx, 6 MB RAM, 60 GB harddisk).
Has the default unpack directory (/usr/INSTALL) something to do with it
(not much RAM to use)?
Thanks for your help!