Subject: mount fd0c saga...
To: None <>
From: Asterius Pandoras <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/11/2004 19:10:49
Just to remind what I'd like to accomplish. I'd like to copy some files
to floppy under Linux, mount that floopy under NetBSD and copy those
files into the NetBSD box. Sounds easy, right? Wrong. Here is what I have
done so far:
Under LInux:
fdformat /dev/fd0
mke2fs /dev/fd0
mount /dev/fd0 /home
cp ltmdm-1.4_5.tgz /home
umount /home
The files are successfully copied. I have checked with ls /home before
umounting floopy.
Under NetBSD:
mount -t ext2fs /dev/fd0c /home Semms like it mounted ( no error
messages) then, ls /home ( no output, I don;t see any files in "home"
directory). cd /home. ls gives this: /home: bad dir ino 2 at offset 0:
mangled entry. panic: bad dir
Stopped in pid 272(ls) at cpu_Debugger+0x4: leave
BTW: how do I leave db> the only solution I found with db> help is to=20
reboot the system, which is not exactly what I need.
What am I doing wrong? What other methods of accomplishing such easy
tasks as this. Your suggestions are VERY appreciated. This drives me....
--=20 - Same, same, but different=85