Subject: Re: system lock ups, maybe out of memory
To: Bob Bernstein <>
From: Charles Swiger <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/02/2004 13:24:05
On Jun 1, 2004, at 5:40 PM, Bob Bernstein wrote:
> I have a system with 512M ram and 255M swap and I _still_ seem to
> inevitably gobble almost all of the latter. I tend to run a lot of
> stuff.
At a minimum, you want to allocate more swap space than you have
physical memory, so that the system can perform a crash dump if it
panics. At more point, the recommendation was to allocate twice as
much swap space, but such a rough guideline should be adjusted
according to your circumstances.
> Is there a way to inspect which processes at any given moment are
> having recourse to swap space?
Run top and sort by VSZ is a good starting point. More specificly,
processes which have a big difference between RSS and VSZ generally are
using lots of swap, but the situation can be more complicated to
understand in the face of shared memory...