Subject: can I force LPD to do local of= processing ?
To: None <>
From: John Refling <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/25/2004 10:37:33
   It is my understanding that when /etc/printcap is configured
to send the lpr request to a remote printer lpd daemon (rm=3DXXX
rp=3DYYY) that the output filtering (of=3D...) is ignored (does not
happen on the local machine).

   Is there a way to make the output filter happen even if the
output is sent to a remote machine?  Some flag in /etc/printcap?

   I ask because the lpd remote "machine" is acutally a nonconfigurable
printer, just accepting raw data as a lpd "daemon".  There is no way to
configure it to do any processing at all.  So the processing must happen
on the local machine.

   The printer doesn't have any other ports for accepting data in the
lp=3Dport@host as far as I can tell.

