Subject: Re: OT: reducing gif
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Staffan =?iso-8859-1?Q?Thom=E9n?= <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/19/2004 11:52:46
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[ Original text by Richard Rauch indented ]
> On Tue, May 18, 2004 at 08:31:23PM -0400, wrote:
> > On Tue, May 18, 2004 at 05:58:17PM -0500, Richard Rauch wrote:
> > > I am not familiar with gifresize, but I vaguely recall seeing some old
> > > references to GIF software removing the LZW compression, due to Unisys
> > > patent claims. That may be what you are seeing. What were the
> > > dimensions of the image after resizing? (If you multiply the width
> > > times the height, do you get anything close to the size of 24570 byte
> > > filesize you wound up with? (^&)
> > >=20
> > > There are lots of better formats that GIF:
> > >=20
> > > IFF: Made GIF obsolete before GIF was even created. (^& Not
> > > widely used, and does not compress as well.
> >=20
> > Specifically, IFF ILBM format. "InterLeaved BitMap"
> Touche'. (^& Yes.
> > There are other IFF formats that aren't pictures. (In case anyone
> > gets confused on a google search). There was even an IFF patch format
> > for binaries (updates to SAS/C on the Amiga used this, for example).
And there also are file formats that don't fit in this category.. Alias (a.=
Alias|Wavefront n.k.a (again) Alias) have something they call IFF too, which
is a multiple channel high-resolution but no compression (AFAIK) format.
IFF for the amiga was, again as my selective memory tells, merely a contain=
format for ILBM images, animations and even sounds?
Another point that popped up.. it would stand to reason that this gif was
intended to web-use, in which several of the mentioned formats aren't too
practical ;-)
enough rambling for now... :-)
Staffan Thom=E9n
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