Subject: really simple shell config question
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/08/2004 09:56:43
I have a really simple, and probably stupid question to most of you. I copied modified versions of my skel files of .profile, .cshrc, and .login to /etc/{profile,csh.cshrc,csh.login} respectively. And that's great, because I can modify them to affect all the user logins. But, for some reason, they are overriding the shell config file for the root user, which is really annoying. The vars I'm concened with are HOME, PATH, home, path, and GNUPGHOME. I can set them manually when I become root, but when I set path and PATH, then rehash, the shell can't find commands in those vars. Root's shell is tcsh.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for any help on this subject,