Subject: RE: PC emulation.
To: None <>
From: Conrad T. Pino <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/07/2004 00:46:39
Could be a dummy question and/or comment. You've been warned! :)
> From: On Behalf Of Richard Rauch
> * Commercial vmware (or whatever). Probably would have to run on
> the Athlon. Should be fast. Costs money, and has on-again,
> off-again problems as they use the latest GNU/LINUX kernel features.
> For the cost of a license, plus the hassle, I might as well pick up a
> low end PC. (I have never actually used vmware, but have seen complaints
> from time to time about new versions breaking. I do not know if the
> current version works with NetBSD or if it is once more in broken mode.)
The NetBSD source tree has:
pkgsrc/emulators/vmware VMware Workstation 2.x
pkgsrc/emulators/vmware3 VMware Workstation 3.x
and both look like work product from which look like
"commercial vmware" to me. One of the download sites is in the ""
Can someone please explain why neither one of the packages is a good solution
for this application?