Subject: Strange occurance with a graphics pkg
To: None <>
From: Gan Uesli Starling <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/12/2003 03:52:01
A very odd thing happend and I post it here
just for the record and gnawing curiosity.
I am very fond of a pkgsrc/graphcs program
called sodipodi. For vector drawing it is tops.
I'm lousy at freehand so paint programs do me
no good. But with vector I can successively
approximate my way to perfection. I use it but
seldom, yet at those times nothing else at all
will do.
One day last week I needed to produce a logo.
And when I started Sodipodi nothing happened: no
window, no error, nothing. Yet a process called
sodipopdi was indeed running.
Hm... So I reinstalled it. Still nothing but a
process. Oh @#$%, thought I. Now I'll have to
to Win2K and make do with Mayura Draw instead. But
I put that off in the hopes that an idea might
occur. I deleted Sodipodi and reinstalled a couple
more times. Still nothing but a process.
Rather than start Sodipodi out alone, I decied to
try opening a graphic via Sodipodi on the command
line. Still nothing. I must have forgotten to kill
the started process however.
A half hour later I decided to install audio/oss
in order that the day be at least that much productive.
This too I began from pkgsrc. I hit a snag with OSS
(which I'll look into later). But right in the
middle of all those commands streaming upscreen for
the install of OSS, and well before the install
halted with an error...right in the middle of this,
and with me doing absolutely nothing else...the
Sodipodi window popped up with the graphic I had
attempted to open from a full half hour before.
And now ever since Sodipodi has worked just fine.
Isn't that odd?
Read ya later,
Mistera Sturno - Rarest Extinct Bird
<(+)__ Gan Uesli Starling
((__/)=- Kalamazoo, MI, USA