Subject: Re: Change Resolution in NetBsd?
To: Gilbert Fernandes <>
From: JS <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/29/2003 11:44:01
Hi Gilbert and Mason,
Thanks for the explanation! I'll definitely have to
look into getting screen on my system, sounds really
J Silverman
--- Gilbert Fernandes <> wrote:
> screen does so much. first, it allows copy/paste
> on console, to have up to 20 (defined at compile
> time)
> consoles in parallel. you can detach your session
> and log out and screen keeps running and everything
> inside of it remains active (like an irc session,
> a download in ftp etc.). you can also have a friend
> log and join you in your session, where you both
> share the same screen and that's very nice to show
> someone how to configure something. you can launch
> a process like a console irc and ask screen to
> monitor it, so as soon something happens in the
> console you are warned. well using screen has become
> to me something i cant -almost- unix netbsd without.
> well, i use screen so much that i have not used X
> in monthes and dont even feel i need it, i do
> almost all shit based on console :D
> it's a stuff you can install and learn to use,
> and you'll find that it's worth it's weight of
> bits, eyes closed.
> :-)
> --
> Gilbert Fernandes
--- Mason Loring Bliss
<> wrote:
> Let me second that. No Unix system is complete
> without screen(1). It is
> functionality that should be in the base system,
> IMHO. The ability to
> detach screen sessions and re-attach from elsewhere
> is invaluable, as is
> the related ability to keep processes running
> undisturbed.
> --
> Mason Loring Bliss
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