Subject: Re: laptop shutdown with power button
To: None <>
From: dieter <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/27/2003 18:53:39
Thomas Devreese to about Re: laptop shutdown with...:

> What I would like is that when I'm working in KEdit for example, when
> someone pushes the button it says 'Would you like to save it' like when
> you would close the application without saving.
> Is there something I can add there to accomplish this?

Ah, now I see what you mean. I don't think that's possible, unless you
hack the dcop interface of kedit to include a function to exit with
confirmation and then write a script which calls dcop on all kedit
instances. This shouldn't be too difficult, but it might be more than
you're willing to do and it doesn't help with other applications...

kind regards,

> Thanks, Thomas.


	There is virtue in doing the right thing just for
	the sake of doing it right.  -- Nicholas Petreley