Subject: Re: laptop shutdown with power button
To: None <>
From: Thomas Devreese <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/27/2003 15:09:40
dieter wrote:
> Thomas devreese to about laptop shutdown with power...:
> [..]
>>All programs seem to get killed instantly too, which can be a problem if you
>>haven't saved all your work in advance. Isn't it possible to let the kernel
>>send each process an ordinary stop signal so a program can propose to save
>>the changes a user made?
> You probably want to run powerd(8).
Then the /etc/powerd/scripts/power_button script gets executed which
does a shutdown -p now.
What I would like is that when I'm working in KEdit for example, when
someone pushes the button it says 'Would you like to save it' like when
you would close the application without saving.
Is there something I can add there to accomplish this?
Thanks, Thomas.