Subject: Re: anyone is running console @ 132x37?
To: None <>
From: Andy Ball <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/03/2003 10:14:55
Hello Zhang,

  ZW> So is the -CURRENT support 132x37 now? Or did I miss
    > something to configure?

(assuming /i386)

I wish I had an answer for you, hopefully someone else may.
I mostly run on a 24cm (16" visible diagonal) display, and
would like to set at least one virtual console to 128
columns, 48 rows of text (10 characters per inch, 5 lines
per inch - same resolution as the original VGA monitors).

wscons may be limited to a preset list of modes supported by
the display card, in which case I may out of luck if the
card happens not to have a 128x48 mode.

  ZW> Besides, is there any bigger text mode? Is there any
    > text mode for XVGA resolution reaches more than 132
    > chars-per-line (I guess)?

That probably depends on how wscons works (my obvious
statement for the day ;-)  If I understand correctly the
original VGA used a 720x400 pixel text mode.  The default 9x
16 pixel character cell yields 80 columns x 25 rows.  A 9x8
font gives 80x50. 

It may be more common these days to use a 640x400 pixel text
mode with 8x16 or 8x8 font.  There's a 6x10 pixel font in
/mac68k. Even if it could be loaded on a PC we would still
only get 120x40 or 106*x40 unless wscons lets us change the
screen mode.

One of the beauties of NetBSD is that we can go in, have a
rummage through the source and hopefully figure out how it
all works (unless some kind soul here volunteers insight,
saving us the time! ;-)

- Andy Ball.                                           *+2/3