Subject: last week's MS virus (Re: foo)
To: None <>
From: Chuck Yerkes <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/22/2003 19:56:07
Quoting Peter Bex (
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2003 at 01:17:42AM +0000, MLH wrote:
> > What I think is interesting is that while my mailer is getting hit
> > every 30 seconds at least by this beast, they are *all* directed
> > at this one email address, which is *only* used for posting to the
> > NetBSD maillists. Apparently this virus is scamming mail addresses
> > off of some NetBSD mail archive(s).
> Either that or the virus simply scans all emails on the infected system and
> sends itself on to the addresses contained in those messages.
> (Assuming at least one subscriber of the list is using Windows, Outlook etc)
> It's ironic that a virus which is targeted at a specific system causes most
> annoyances with people who don't even use that system.
> (Most people who I know who use Windows don't get any of these messages at all)
Or don't have their names in archives. The account I post to netnews
from is getting HAMMERED (well, was until I removed the part that I
can expire it with).
A finger print (late here) is that SUBJECT is in all caps.
Also looking in the body for
Catches most bad stuff.
Of course every machine you remove windows from and replace with a
real operating system is a step in the right direction.
(suddenly /me ponders using a CD to auto-configure and install
on stores' computers with a pretty GUI, tools and no windows...)