Subject: Re: using "shutdown" as a shell
To: Lubos Vrbka <>
From: David S. <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/11/2003 15:12:36
> we have a computer laboratory for students. all computers (i386) are
> dualboot with win2k and netbsd 1.6.1. we wanted to have one "shutdown
> user" (login shutdown, no password) for the purpose of restarting
> computer back to windows (used 80-90% of time). why?
You could create a "shutdown" user with no shell or password, and
install a display manager - 'wdm' ('pkgsrc/x11/wdm'), 'kdm' (KDE),
or 'gdm' (Gnome) - that can halt or re-boot the computer.
David S.