Subject: Re: Whats the trick to using LM-SENSORS-MIB with NetBSD?
To: Todd Gruhn <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/26/2003 21:44:45
On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 08:28:58PM +0800, Todd Gruhn wrote:
> I just figured out how to use envstat, and I just installed
> gkrellm to see what it looks like. (They both get fan and CPU
> stat.) But I wish to monitor the fan continually and say:
> if (fan_cond) then email_root_about_it and shutdown gracefully.
> I would hate to burn up another CPU chip...
> BTW: How do gkrellm and envstat do it -- are they calling a
> shared lib that I am not aware of?
I guess they frob /dev/sysmon by themselve.
I would just write a script that gets values from envstat.
Manuel Bouyer <>
NetBSD: 24 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference