Subject: Re: HTML browser
To: None <>
From: Hume Smith <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/09/2003 14:42:44
[resend, with the correct address and a PS: somone mentioned XML, and i concur
it is a superior `root format' to HTML, allowing the generation of whatever
cross references are most suited to the medium.]
On Friday August 8, 2003 12:08 pm, you wrote:
> In message <p06001a01bb595b7a8fb8@[]>, "Daniel R.
> Killoran,Ph.D." wr
> ites:
> >Look guys, I consider html to be a pain in the posterior but nobody
> >asked me, right?
> >I guess html is going to be the standard for documentation, based on
> >the notion that "everybody is on the web"
> >(I would prefer acrobat pdf personally, another thing nobody asked.)
> PDF sucks. Why on *EARTH* should there be "page breaks" in an electronic
> document?
How in 7734 can anyone prefer PDF to HTML for online docs? `Portable' is
pretty much the one thing PDF isn't. A, you *have* to have a pretty
high-powered graphical system to use it; B, ghostscript viewers (gv,
kghostview) have some real problems handling things like landscape. eg
If you want portable, use HTML.
If you *must embed* graphics (or stubbornly insist on particular fonts), or
are after good print rather than portable CRT presentation, use Postscript.
IMO PDF is just a hamhanded attempt to lock people to Winduhs. Its ONLY real
feature vs Postscript is hyperlinking, and that's not usable on my machine