Subject: Re: HTML browser
To: None <>
From: Gan Uesli Starling <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/08/2003 17:35:30
Peter Seebach wrote:
> In message <p06001a01bb59990ef10d@[]>, "Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D." w
> rites:
>>>PDF sucks.  Why on *EARTH* should there be "page breaks" in an electronic
>>Otherwise an index is pretty meaningless.
> No, it isn't.  An index refers to section headers.  I've been working on
> a book in DocBook, and the index is more useful in HTML than it is in PDF.

Peter is right. You can put bookmarks into PDF sans any page
breaks. But still and all, may I here promote XML?

The advantage to XML is that once a common XSLT is written,
the markup for any number of XML docs is far less than for
similar ones in HTML.

Slowly but surely I am migrating all my web pages to
XSLT-generated HTML care of re-authored XML masters. The
only reason why I bother is so that to maintain them
henceforth will be far less work.

Severly edit an HTML and its links become a tangled
mess. Edit an XML all you like and XLST will auto-generate
new links.

One can view XML directly with Mozilla (and also that, er... 
'other' browser). Or one can generate HTML for any browser
via the XSLT and Apache/Xalan care of Java. All this 100%
on NetBSD.

Proof that it's easy is that I can do it. Because I surely
am no guru. I don't know any Java at all. I just use it and
it works.

By way of example for direct XML:

...and for HTML generated from an XML master:

Note that the mark-up for links, etc. is all auto-generated
care of the XSLT stylesheet.

Of course, Docbook is really XML. So I guess that here I
promote that too. And with either you can, if need be, export 
to PDF and many another format as well. Any format from one 
master is the goal of XML...and by extension, Docbook.

I won't argue further. It's just that I haven't chimed
in for a while.



PS - Peter, your old laptop hangs in there still.


  Mistera Sturno - Rarest Extinct Bird

  <(+)__       Gan Uesli Starling
   ((__/)=-    Kalamazoo, MI, USA