Subject: Re: GD and FreeType
To: None <>
From: MySiteMain Admin <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/02/2003 23:47:54
I think I have solved the problem... I don't know if it's correct, but
it seems to work!
I edited the Makefile in /usr/pkgsrc/graphics/php4-gd/ as follows:
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-freetype-dir
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-freetype-dir=shared,${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.freetype2}
If this is going to cause any grief, could someone please let me know.
Hope this helps others.
On Sat, 2 Aug 2003, MySiteMain Admin wrote:
> Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 20:19:38 -0600 (CST)
> From: MySiteMain Admin <>
> To:
> Subject: GD and FreeType
> I have installed GD and FreeType as well as PHP-GD. After installing and
> running my phpinfo script against the install, FreeType is not being
> reported as being enabled in GD. I have re-installed GD, FreeType and php
> stuff multiple times in different order and same results.
> I am running or have the following installed (info taken from pkg_info):
> NetBSD 1.5.2 (GENERIC)
> gd-2.0.15
> php-gd-4.2.3nb1
> freetype2-2.1.4
> freetype-1.3.1nb1
> freetype-lib-1.3.1nb1
> freetype-utils-1.3.1
> ap-php-4.2.3
> php-4.2.3nb2
> and quite a number of different packages... will post if necessary.
> My phpinfo.php file reports only the following in th GD section:
> gd
> GD Support enabled
> GD Version 2.0 or higher
> JPG Support enabled
> PNG Support enabled
> WBMP Support enabled
> As you can see, there is no reference to FreeType.
> I also tried issuing a "pkg_delete freetype2-2.1.4" and got the following
> response.
> pkg_delete: package `freetype2-2.1.4' is required by other packages:
> php-gd-4.2.3nb1
> gd-2.0.15
> The app I am running produces the following error in the log file:
> PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagettfbbox()
> I have reinstalled all my applications/packages that are related to this
> problem and still have the issue. As well, one app I am running reports
> the following:
> FreeType is apparently not installed It looks like the FreeType library
> is not compiled into GDLib. This is required when Typo3 uses GDLib and
> you'll most likely get errors like 'ImageTTFBBox is not a function' or
> 'ImageTTFText is not a function'.
> This is kind of an urgent situation so any help would be greatly
> appreciated....