Subject: Re: Hardware DB?
To: None <>
From: Chuck Yerkes <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/10/2003 16:09:41
Quoting Ajai Khattri (
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2003 at 03:29:22PM -0400, Sporleder, Matthew (CCI-Atlanta) wrote:
> > I started a sourceforge project for this purpose, but never did
> > anything with it.
> > If you're interested in taking over, or in motivating me to do
> > something, then figure something out to say to me.  :)
> We definitely need something like a DB of some kind. Can't be too hard to
> build some DB tables, hook up a few PHP scripts for submitting entries and
> doing searches?
> I would gladly donate server space for this project.

A database proper wants a front end (web, likely) and
make sense if you have relations going on.

I'm thinking that, depending on the info you want in it,
much of this could simply live in an LDAP branch.

ReadMuch, write rarely, no relations, globally available from a
command line (I really find sourceforge a pain to use).  A web
front end could query it, but then a pkg/ could simple be a single
php page or CGI script + a page to query LDAP and make it all

Tree branches might be: