Subject: Re: emulating Debian GNU/Linux?
To: None <>
From: James K. Lowden <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/30/2003 01:39:40
On Fri, 27 Jun 2003 04:19:48 +0200, Micha³ Pasternak
<> wrote:
> It should be a piece of cake to implement such functionality: you could
> create a meta-package pkgsrc/mail/mail-transport-agent which would
> install a MTA you declared in /etc/mk.conf (or install ,,exim'' by
> default) - but the question is: what for? Are NetBSD users really so
> brain-dead, that pkgsrc should install a MTA (not to mention default
> NetBSD MTA), when they want to install procmail?
Well, it might be nice if, say, Gnome required the metapkg gnome-wm rather
than some particular window manager. Not that I can see quite how to get
there from here.