Subject: Re: emulating Debian GNU/Linux?
To: Mirko Thiesen <thiesi@ReLink.NetWorkXXIII.Sytes.NET>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/28/2003 09:31:22
Thanks for the educational perspective.

In the U.S., ISDN has seemed to largely be the technology that never was.
(Technically, it's out there.  I think that my ISP offers it...  But if
memory serves, prices are comparable to DSL, with lower performance,
and many people also have cablemodem options.  Fewer and fewer people
are out of reach of *both* DSL and cablemodem, while ISDN isn't a big
enough hop up from modems for many.)

I should have known that I was being ethnocentric by assuming that no
one used ISDN, but given that ISDN support only made it into the NetBSD
kernel recently, I tended to assume that that was because almost no one

So, I apologize.

I'm still not sure what it has to do with pkgsrc, however.

  "I probably don't know what I'm talking about."