Subject: Re: shutdown / reset
To: None <>
From: henry nelson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/27/2003 18:43:31
On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 02:03:26AM -0500, Richard Rauch wrote:
> Re.
quoting: what should i do to enable computer reset after pressing
crtl-alt-del from login prompt? is it also possible to do
it from shell?
I do it as a non-root user (member of wheel or operator group, I've
forgotten which) with aliases in the .cshrc file, e.g.,
alias poff '/sbin/shutdown -p now'
alias reboot '/sbin/shutdown -r now'
or with simple, executable shell scripts which check for other users on
machines where that might be a problem, or prompt when screen sessions are
running to see if I want to close them all immediately and shutdown.
(Great for those "if you don't get down to the dinner table in 5 seconds,
then no dinner" kind of times.)
henry nelson