Subject: Re: (non)install packages as root?
To: None <>
From: James K. Lowden <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/30/2003 23:54:41
On Wed, 30 Apr 2003 16:30:21 +0200, Lubomir Sedlacik <>
> home use i have pkgsrc tree on a nfs server, mounted read-write by an
> ordinary user (i update the tree with), DISTDIR=/usr/dist and
> WRKOBJDIR=/var/tmp/pkgsrc. the user i am building packages with doesn't
> have write access to the pkgsrc tree at all, only owns /usr/dist and
> /var/tmp/pkgsrc.
That seems very good advice to me.
Some time ago, I made myself owner of the /usr/pkgsrc tree. But I use
sup(1) which runs (by default), as root. Now no one owns all the files.
It would have been better to have left it owned by root, and set WRKOBJDIR
elsewhere. I think I'll remain the owner of /usr/pkgsrc/distfiles,
I'm part of the wheel group and use sudo in my SU_CMD. The last thing I
did was set sudo such that wheel group members don't have to type the
password. Now *I* build packages but root installs them. (The machine's
at home, where I like to think I exercise physical security.)
Thanks, Lubomir.