Subject: Re: (non)install packages as root?
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Lubos Vrbka <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/30/2003 16:19:47
> Not enought information. Did you check those permissions too?
yes, i checked it... they are rwxr-xr-x. well, i think i see the problem
now... the whole tree is owned by root... so i have to either chown all
directories there to belong to another user, or change permissions to
rwxrwxr-x everywhere. the first solution doesn't seem to be ok...
the permissions and owner are set during the unpacking of the pkgsrc tree to
/usr. it shouldn't be writable for ordinary user, so pkgsrc should be
unpacked by root and permissions are defined by umask, right? and to have
umask 002 for root, it isn't good idea...
so what's the correct solution?
> Is your pkgsrc on NFS?
no, it isn't.