Subject: Re: KDevelop and NetBSD
To: Daniel Bolgheroni <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/22/2003 09:33:27
> I'm trying to use KDevelop under NetBSD v1.6Q but I'm having some problems.
> I've installed KDevelop by an up to date pkgsrc, and, as a dependendy, it installed automake-1.7.3. But KDevelop stop creating "configure" because it needs automake-1.5.
> So, I've got automake-1.5 from GNU FTP and installed correctly. Now, "configure" is created, but I cannot build, because KDevelop requires qt3-3.0.3 instead qt3-3.0.7.
> I don't want to reinstall all the programs needed by KDevelop, because I like pkgsrc, and pkgsrc doesn't have these packages.
> What can I do use KDevelop with automake-1.7.3 and qt3-3.0.7?
I didn't have any problems installing and running kdevelop. What exactly is
your problem? All tools that are needed for kdevelop are installed automatically
together with kdevelop and those that are not part of the kdevelop package
are mostly available from the NetBSD Package Collection, e.g. htdig etc.
cheerio Berndt